Reunion Giving

Honoring the past and impacting the future

当你接近你的聚会时,你在霍利奥克山的回忆如潮水般涌上心头. The campus, traditions, classes, friends. Moments in time. Life-changing experiences that set you on your course. Today’s Mount Holyoke students are capturing new moments, pocketing them as they go forth with their lives.

The constant is Mount Holyoke College. 现在的世界肯定不同了,但任务还是一样的. Access to education. Championing an inclusive community. Embracing a global mindset. Guiding future leaders.

你们的聚会是纪念你们在霍利奥克山大学经历的理想时机, pay tribute to your education, 并对现在和未来追随你脚步的学生产生重大影响.


Reunion class totals


  1. The current fiscal year Mount Holyoke Fund total
  2. The 5-year Mount Holyoke Fund total
    5年霍利奥克山基金的总额包括5年团聚周期内的捐赠和认捐. 5年霍利约克山基金总额是第50届同学会捐献委员会的主要焦点.
  3. The 5-year Comprehensive total
    5年的综合总额包括5年聚会周期内所有资金和用途的所有捐赠和认捐. It includes the following:
    • All commitments to The Mount Holyoke Fund
    • 所有对学院其他领域的承诺,包括捐赠, capital projects, restricted funding for programs such as the Art Museum
    • 慈善礼物年金及慈善信托-按面值确认
    • 遗赠意向文件(50周年同学会及以后)

Mount Holyoke welcomes and credits all giving, whether it be gifts to The Mount Holyoke Fund for current use, 通过终身收入工具和遗赠建立永久或未来捐赠的捐赠基金.

All reunion gift totals are announced at Reunion.

Giving opportunities

您对芒特霍利奥克基金会的参与将产生最直接的影响, touching every student, faculty and staff person on campus. 向霍利奥克山基金会捐款包括各种数额的礼物——从几美元到100多美元不等,000.

你可以今天送礼物,也可以承诺在未来的某一天送. 认捐可以安排在本财政年度支付, 或者你可以选择做一个多年的承诺,最多在五年内完成.


There are a variety of gift destinations 您可以选择在霍利奥克山基金内指定您的捐赠.



你可以设立一个捐赠基金,最低捐款额为10万美元. When establishing an endowed fund, 你可以选择每年如何使用这些资金:经济援助, internships, faculty support, a specific department, buildings and grounds, or other needs of the College. 与捐赠官员一起讨论你的慈善目标和学校的需求.

With a little bit of planning, 你可以利用一些创造性的工具来提高你的50周年同学会捐赠, 也许还可以送一份比你最初想象的更大的礼物, 增加你的影响力,同时创造你在霍利奥克山的遗产.

Life income gifts are just what they sound like. Make a gift to Mount Holyoke, 为您和/或您所爱的人的一生获得收入:慈善礼物年金和慈善剩余信托.

你可以建立一个慈善捐赠年金(CGA),最低金额为10美元,000英镑,可为两个人提供可靠的固定收入,并支持你在学院的任何领域. You can choose from an immediate payment gift annuity and a deferred payment gift annuity.

With a minimum of $100,000, you can set up a charitable remainder unitrust that offers a flexible income, with potential for growth over time, 为你和/或你所爱的人的生活或特定的年份.

Making Mount Holyoke a beneficiary of your will, trust, retirement account or life insurance, is another way you can create your legacy at the College.

When approaching your 50th reunion, 你有一个独特的机会,让你未来的天赋得到认可和庆祝. A bequest is simple and non-binding. Simply complete a bequest intention form 并提供一份遗嘱或信托中提到霍利奥克山的段落的副本, 或您的退休账户或人寿保险单的受益人表格副本,您未来遗赠的今天价值包括在您的班级综合总额中. Learn more about designating beneficiaries.

Contact Development’s Gift Planning professionals 学习如何“记录”你未来的遗产,并在留尼旺庆祝.

Development Reunion Awards

Each year, the end of May signifies a special time at Mount Holyoke, 庆祝毕业班的成就,欢迎校友们回来团聚.

Over the course of two Reunion weekends, 我们表彰那些为霍利奥克山社区和世界各地做出杰出贡献的校友, 分享令人难以置信的班级历史,并庆祝对学院的巨大支持.

Yellow Spinx class symbol

The Sphinx Award



Red Pegasus class symbol

The Pegasus Award


The blue lion class symbol

The Lion Award



Green Griffin class symbol

The Griffin Award


Celebrating Mount Holyoke

Recent award recipients